Sunday, October 30, 2005 

Scuba Diving

My precious housemates are going Sydney after the exams. JY and Shan are also visiting Cairns! So cool! I'll go if it isn't that expensive. Aww, then I'll be alone at home for a period of time. Will Master Kwong be home and his cantonese dramas be still available? What should I do? Maybe I can rot at home or shop for gifts for my relatives and friends! Haha hopefully Li and Ben will be free for outings.

Meanwhile, I might be going for a PADI open water course somewhere in Sunshine Coast. It will probably cost me around $300+ including accomodation, transport and food. The dive location is at the Great Barrier Reef! :D It's at this town called "Town of 1770". Sounds cool eh? So victorian! Haha. Hopefully it will be easy to get there and also my precious housemates might be joining me too! Exciting! It will be fun to learn diving together!

On the other hand, my legs and hands are still itching like crazy. Urgh. Shan told me to try medicated oil. Seems cooling but I gotta keep on applying. Haha I hope I don't finish the whole bottle and become "feng you jing" (Medicated Oil Demon).

I wrote a whole list of to-dos after the exams. Wow. I wonder how much money I should transfer to my Commonwealth. Most importantly, housemates and I will be getting a gift for Yifan's new born. She's gonna name her "Sharlene". What should we get the cute girl? Cute Osh Kosh clothings? Any suggestions?

DM2. urgh. Next sat is the paper. I better get down to study or else I might flung the paper. HELP!

Alrighty, cya.


Clarification, Promotion

Just to clarify that Master Kwong is actually only in his early 20s, so he's not as old as the name sounds. His real name is Jason John Kwong. He is single, handsome and hmm...Rich. Smart and more. If you are interested in getting your palm read by him, please contact Each read will cost $50.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Cakes and Cookies

Waste a whole day slacking, surfing the Internet and rearranging lecture notes. My legs and hands looked so "bloated", thanks to those bloody mosquitos. Urghh. >:(

Came across a website featuring Hollywood celebrities' cosmetic surgery gone wrong. Haha tells us that cosmetic surgery can ruin your nose, your boobies and your face. Well it could be that the surgeons in the States are not as skilled as those from countries like Korea, because so far as I can see, Korean celebs look pretty good on the whole! At least you won't see any Michael Jackson or Cher drastic faces there. So need cosmetic surgery? Go Korea, I gathered.

Jasonie sent me a link about the story of a greedy python which ate an alligator. Geez, and it burst after swallowing that thick-skinned gator. Greedy eh? To read more about it, follow this link here

Master Kwong wanted to bake sponge cake and I was gamed. Anyway the sponge cake turns out pretty good and to think that we used the rice cooker's bucket as the cake mould. ;p Not bad eh? Well, we decided to bake chocolate cookies too but it didn't turn out as expected. Even so, we had our fun anyway!

Mum called to check out on me. Heh! We were gossiping about our dear Darren. ;p Couldn't stop laughing when she said he's saving up for his marriage as he is unable to "escape". ;p Sorry Darren for laughing. ;p Anyway work hard and save more money for your future studies! If not your cousin me will try try to support u. ;p

Isn't the sponge cake pretty? Golden in color. Reminds me of Yakitate! ;p

Chocolate cookies. Added too little sugar but it's still nice!

Introducing the human shit cookies ..

the doggie shit cookies

and last but not least, the leg-less cockroach cookie (dedicated to Ros and Master Kwong)

Friday, October 28, 2005 

What genre of anime are you?

You scored as Romance. Yay! You are a romantic devil! That special someone is your everything. And if you don't have a special someone yet, you are probably hoping to find that person you're destined to be with.













What Genre of Anime Are You?
created with


Late night blogging

Was caught in the rain just now on our way back from Indooroopilly shopping place. The weather is funny. So hot and dry in the day and cold and raining in the night. Anyway I like the raining part! Good weather to sleep in.

So exciting. We are planning a trip to Fraser Island! It's the largest sand island in the world. I wanna visit the Rainbow Beach to see how rainbow the sand is! By just looking the photos from, I can't wait to be there! Now we are planning in progress, hopefully it turns out good! Anyone interested to go too? Ros? hm anyone?

I'll continue tomorrow! Gonna sleep!

Thursday, October 27, 2005 

How much is your blog worth?

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?


What Age Do I Act?

You Are 19 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.


A mad rush

DM2's Qns 3 was done wrongly! Spent the whole morning trying to correct the mistake, resulting in us missing the bus to Toowong! In the end we had to dial a cab. In anxiety, I wrongly dialled Dominos 131888 and wasn't in the state of mind to realise the voice message over the phone was singing to a Dominos tune. Hence, after providing my address and phone number, I quickly requested for a cab. The Dominos guy over the line went hysterical over my request and was trying his very best to hold back his laughter. I must have been the joke of the day in the Dominos call center. :S

Anyway we were very very close to being late for submission and Darryn didn't look too happy. :( And I'm very sure I lost 9marks for that whole qns because the solutions were out on the same day at night. What a disappointment. My answers weren't even close to his solutions.

Well, back to my reflective review. Cya.


Doooogie ;p

adopt your own virtual pet!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 

A nice day.

Yesterday was a nice day.

Had my first fire drill experience in Brissy. Kinda silly to see the librarians in construction workers' hard cap. Managed to solved Qns 3 of my DM2 assignment! YES YES!. Listened to nice mp3 mixes although the Maroon 5's song sounded weird. Was honourary member of Eddie's modelling team. Counted bricks in uni. Emailed Sam to tell her I didn't want to work on Qns 3 for reflective review. ;P Heard from Junhao that Yeru got her driving license. ;) The most unlikely source to hear from. Saw Karen, she permed her hair! Very nice. :)

Today is a happy day. No more DM2 assignments! And I saw a very hilarious and cute clip from JY's shared folder. Couldn't help laughing. :D

Ooo and someone went moonbathing at this time of the night or maybe he had fallen asleep halfway in front of the computer. haha. ;p

Well I'm going to sleep! :) Goodnight!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 

Palm reading

Master Jason Kwong read my palm today. He said I'm "far sum". Haha.

Palmistry is an interesting thing. I tried to pick up by borrowing books from the library during my secondary school days but there is too much to know so I gave up.

Anyway, there's a meeting tomorrow. Should I go? Where's Jasonie??

I'm still stuck with DM2 lor. :( I guessed I should go to school to finish it off.

Alrighty, this is a real short entry.


Sunday, October 23, 2005 

How Humans read. Interesting.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmortantt!

Can you read this above passage? ;P


Another boring day

I should be doing my DM2 but why am I slacking and rotting?

Ros went on a movie date, Shan's hook on "Big long gold", JY's hook on "Big long gold" too I supposed.

Been listening to Jack Johnson, Damien Rice and the Mr & Mrs Smith Soundtrack.

The weather's warm. The wind is blowing hot air. :S

I'm trying to download pocket pc games from the webby Darren gave but every page is loading painfully slow. I managed to download a mahjong game only to find out that the file was corrupted. *screams* Stupid webby.

Was so glad to see the people I wanna talk crap with online finally.
Added my good friends' BFs to my friendster. hm. For fun.

I sent Daniel many many songs including Blower's Daughter and some songs from Mr Smith soundtrack. Hee. Hope he likes them. He told me he took many stuff from his company including a 40GB HDD. wooo. So good! Take more for me also!

Need to do my DM2. DM2 Here i COME!


A boring day.

What a boring day to start with. Woke up at 12+.

Went to Toowong Village with Ros to get grocery.

Went subway with Ros. The chicken with marinara sauce bread she ate looked good and yummy!

Watch cantonese variety "Can Ku Yak Ting" hosted by Hacken and Zong-zai. Damn funny.

Watch a silly movie that I copied from JasonKwong. But gave up on it halfway as it was too dumb and filled with dry humour.

Cooked "Bak Kut Teh" for my 3 precious housemates.

Help Ros with her Masterfood teriyaki chicken. (She's trying to get rid of her 2kg worth of chicken)

The "Bak Kut Teh" was simply delicious, just like how it tasted in Singapore! The teriyaki chicken was yummy too! Thanks to Masterfood for the sauce and the chickens for their tender meat..erm breast? Shannie also said the 2 dishes were delicious.

Watched "Secrets of Magic" with Ros and JY. Haha that masked magician is funny plus the voice over commentator's sense of humour.

Back to my room to rot. Really no energy no mood to work on my DM2.

Enjoyed my neighbour's mini concert. He sang well. He sang Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter. It was really enjoyable, and Ros went gaga over the song and I almost teared =S.

JasonK msn me as he's too bored. Just nice. I'm bored too. We crapped and talked about his love life experiences and his 1, 0.5 and 0.3 relationship theories. He declared me as his older sister as I belong to his 0.3 category.

According to him,
1 = successful love relationship,
0.5 = almost successful love relationship with both parties liking each other,
0.3 = platonic or one-sided relationships which normally ends up with both parties being best of friends, good friends or brother-sister relationship.

So it seems like I have one 1, one 0.5 and many 0.3s. Haha. Interesting.
What about you?

Plus he also wants to be my disciple as I taught him HTML last semester. Ah well. Now I have 3 disciples. So fun to be a "si fu" (master in Cantonese).

Yan msn me. Her mum is hospitalised. She had very low blood count. I hope her mum get well and be healthy soon. Yan's been working herself out at home with the chores and taking care of her family daily needs. Hope her sister help her out too and not left everything to her.

She told me she's planning to visit Europe with her sis next year and she's visiting Osaka next month as her sister will be going there got work. Wow! So nice.

Daniel msn me too to bully me. Haha kidding. More like I bully him. Looking forward to Dec when all of them will be joining me in Brissy!

Alrighty ah. time to sleep. Goodnight.

Friday, October 21, 2005 


What a day to start off with. My groupmates were just in time for the PIR this morning. Ooo my heart almost popped out at that instant. Was so relieved to see them at the last min! Geez. They always give me heart attack.

Anyway the PIR went on fine. Was quite happy with Jarad's and Dan's preps although we went outta time a little. :) I took a few photos including a group photo of us taken by Ken. Geez. Ken's phototaking skills wasn't that good. The group photos turned out blur. :(

After the PIR, on the way to the Pizza Cafe, I was hounded by a student union guy. He kept pressuring me to vote someone for the senate. Geez. Why did he hound me and not samantha instead? I turned and look around for help, but no one wanted to save me. Until we reach the main refectory, Ron told him that we will vote later. Darn but he refused to let go and still insisted that I vote. In the end we managed to shake him after telling him ya we will vote. Geez. So persistant. Jas told me to draw a checkbox with my name on the voting sheet and tick it. Anyway who cares abt the senate. I'll be outta UQ by then. Oh. We had yummy pizza and jasonie's macoroni for lunch. This is also the first time we had lunch with Sam. She's pretty interesting and cute, and she shares almost the same interests as our dear Ros. Haha.

Went to library to self-study after lunch and the heavy rain. DM2 assignment 4 is a headache. Was studying and scanning through the graph theory notes. Totally no freakin' idea on what's going on. Anyway also had gossiping sessions with James and jason in the library. We were reminising on poly days. Haha. Memories of those fun days. Gaurav with his then P.O.W looks and the now suave and super duper cool looks and how Darren tried to flirt with Petra in front of him. Plus Bin, Diwei, Soonie all have GFs now. Peiwen's in NZ's Otago Uni. Jane's studying and more!

Ros called me at around 4+ when we were abt to be chased away by the library people, to asked if I wanna go out play! Haha she was being hounded too, haha by Ah NAN-Ge and his coconut cream. Ahh what eccentric groupie she has. Haha. Anyway, we (Li, ros,me,shan,jy) ended up in the city, at "WAH" korean restaurant. Hmm. I still prefer Madtongsan. ;P

We ended up at KTV. Woo. This is the first time I stepped into KTV in Brissy. Haha. Anyway we had a good time singing! After that everyone was concussed. Had a real good time today though I stink of ciggys! :)

CSSE Group K


Kinda like the effects of this picture.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 

My groupmates

SOA Groupies
Clockwise from top left. Li, Shan, Clee, Ben, JY

CSSE 3 musketeers
From left. Ron, Clee, Jasonie

Fun introduction of my group mates in UQ. :)


Yummy yummy

Awww. weeee. I just had a good meal although my peanut soup with chicken drumstick didn't had the taste I expect it to have. Also because our dear Ros whipped up a very yummy dish! GARLIC BUTTER CHICKEN! It's nice seriously, and I minced and chopped up the garlic into paste-like ok! Hahaha. Yummy! Ros, I applauded u ah! Next time cook again.

Ooo. Tomorrow got macaroni and cheese to taste. Yum. Shit. gonna be fatter. Too much intakes.

Darn. Jasonie just told me abt some issues for tomorrow csse's presentation. Crap. Can't those people settle such simple stuff. I wonder did they really not prepare for it or is Jasonie kidding with me. Crap. Gonna find xiaohuzi to ask abt it. :(

Anyway I've been slacking the whole day. Watched 3 episodes of Bleach and 2 episodes of Yakitate. Bleach is darn cool. Renji and Ichi. Woooo. Exciting! Yakitate, on the other hand, is silly but it provides brainless entertainment. Ah well. Wish I can slack like this forever.


No more sOa

Yesterday demo was good. Happy that we got through the whole process smoothly although the lecturer messed up. Li and Ben did great jobs! I hope we will get full marks like those who did their demonstations in the labs or else I'll start shooting emails.

Glad that sOa is over. It's gonna be cSse tomorrow and dan's gonna be the one presenting with xiaohuzi. Shall just sit back and relax and hope nothing will go wrong. I don't expect myself to score exceptionally well for this course so now I just hope everything moves on smoothly. Right now, I'm left with DM2 assignment 4 to be handed in on 26th Oct then I can "shake leg" and wait for exams. DM2 is a headache. For the past 2 assignments, been leaving questions out here and there. Gotta drag myself to buck up and study for it. urgh.

Li took a lot of photos during her stay at our house doing sOa. darn! lotsa pictures which show the ugly side of us. Haha. The maggots for example and feeding everyone with rice and rice only. :( sad sad. haha! But it was a good one, although unglam.

Eh. I'm gonna cook peanut soup with chicken tonight. Yum! It's been a long time since I cook that! Gonna cook for the rest.

Heh. Geez. shannie's gonna pen a complaint letter on XiaoTao. aww..I'm going to be her accomplice.

Monday, October 17, 2005 


Hyde! Happened to surf to L'arc's webby and remember how much I love Hyde last time. :P

Saturday, October 15, 2005 

No more essays

Yay. Essay submitted. Did lotsa copying and pasting. I wonder if I'll be charged for plagarism (don't know how to spell). *cross fingers*

Went city to walk today. Bought new slippers from City Beach as my current one is thinning badly. Also got a nice denim skirt at $10, thanks to Shan who digged that huge pile of clothes on discount! What a good deal! :P Die la. Cannot spend too much. Cash is running out. :(

Recently just copied Jack Johnson's "In Between Dreams" album from Jason and now I'm dead hooked onto it. The entire album is good and groovy, and I absolutely love it. :P Anyway don't ask me who Jack Johnson is, because I got no idea too.

Time to sleep. Nitey.

Friday, October 14, 2005 

Oooo. Happy Founder's Day

Happy Founder's Day to PLMGS!

Heh heh.
Miss those fun day at PL with the band gang and my beloved trumpeters!


I'm awake, I'm awake

Woke up at 420am just now to work on my essay.

Yesterday final demo was screwed but somehow I don't feel anything. Perhaps like what ron said, the 3 of us are all numb from it. haha. Freak man, I still cannot believe that Dan guy forgot all abt the demo and to add on, he didn't do his development part of the system. Everyone was pissed. Poor Paul gotta handle his part on the night before the demo. He really looked very demoralised. As for 3 of us, we had our fair share of fun at the labs. Jason envied those other groups that have their full force camping in the labs while we only have 3. Sometimes I think it's also good that those 4 ain't around to hindle my process and beat around the big fat bush. Anyway I'm glad it's over and all went pretty well I guess. I also wrote some nice comments on my intragroup report on my 2 groupies in crime.

Well, nightmare not exactly over. I still have essay to write. Went to the library to work on it after operating on gantt charts after gantt charts. Because of these gantt charts, ron and I are now "illegal" UQ students. We traded our student ID cards for scissors from the IT office and before we could get back our cards, the office was closed for the day. But at least I got a scissors for self-defense just in case I had to walk home from toowong again. We booked a room in the library to do our essays. I told them I felt like an animal in a cage being watched as the room has large glass panels whereby passerby can look in. And there's this particular guy in black with specs who looked in each time he passed by. He sorta passed by our room like more than 5 times and jason thought and still thinks that that guy is my secret admirer. Geez. Anyway I took free ride on Ron's friend's car home, leaving poor jas alone in the room with that guy still staring in when he passed by (I think he passed by on purpose).

I thought that there will be a hailstorm last night. But I fall asleep in front of my laptop while doing the essay so I'm not sure if there is? According to JasonKwong, there was hail in GC 5cm in radius? If I didn't catch wrongly. Haha correct me if I'm wrong.

Ooh. I finally can wash my big pile of smelly clothes! Hope the sun will come out when my clothes are done in the washing machine. It's been like 1+ weeks since i did my laundry and I'm really running outta clothes to wear! Apparently everyone else seems to have that problem as we are spending too much time in the labs for the past weeks.

Tonight will be dedicated to soa. Ben and Li will be coming over to our house to work on the proj. Another sleepless night? Prolly. Wonder if I can make it for lecture later. Haha.

alrighty, back to essay. gotta finish it soon! ciao!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 


omg..i'm finally back to blog. These 2 weeks have been tedious. All the late nights in school and assignments, assignments and more assignments. As I'm hardly at home, I haven't been doing the laundry! darn..running outta clothes to wear.

Went ah Li's house last night to stay over. It's the 2nd time I stayed over at her place after a day of csse in school. Why does bus 470 end so early!!! Hate the thought of walking back from toowong village alone, it feels so eerie..Well okay..I'm just letting my imagination run wild.

I borrowed a polo tee from ah Li. It's from the ITAS studies club in TP. ahhh for this once I felt as like I "love" TP. I'm supposed to be working on my DM2 assignment now. It's due tomorrow! darn! Shall work on it soon after this entry. Gonna have a meeting with those kids at 10am. Wonder what will result from it. Ohh. anyway I'm supposed to be presenting the pocket pc function for the final demonstration this Thurs. Time really flies. It's finally the final demo and somehow I kinda feel lost but relieved.

Been "struggling" with the pocket pc application. Lucky Ron helped and he sorta completed all the functions! yay! so happy! we are now left with the printing function which I will sort out later in the afternoon. Been stoning and losing focus these couple of days. Jason thinks I'm stressed. Am I? I'm not exactly sure if I'm feeling stressed or just simply "bo chup". And I think he's more stressed up than me, or rather his eyes are the ones being stressed. so red loh..@@

Yesterday night on the way to ah Li's house, Ron met a girl he knew and "pang sei" us again. Second time already. The 1st time also because of another girl. Gee...

Talking abt girls, I been blog surfing these past few days and from a link Jason gave, I chanced upon a pretty blog with lotsa pretty pictures! I'm amazed at how pretty and cute these young female bloggers are these days! Woooo...*drools* My 2 grpmates think I'm behaving gay and turning gay. :S ME!?!?! GAY?!?!?! :X oh yay..what's wrong with being gay? :P

Crap! my laptop's battery is running low. I love sitting in the library. So peaceful and quiet and most importantly, AWAY FROM THE MADDENING CROWD!! Yes! The labs are hell lot so crowded, everyone rushing for deadlines and I see everyone's csse group meeting and staying late together in the labs to prepare for the final deadline. But where's mine? All along, it's only us, 3 of us, 3 sole survivors. Darn, I really don't feel like going for group meeting later. It's gonna be just a "beating-around-the-big rotten bush" session again with no proper agenda and directions.

Alright alright, after all these ranting, I think I better get to my DM2 questions, plus laptop batt's going flat. Ciao..nice time here..bye..