A boring day.
What a boring day to start with. Woke up at 12+.
Went to Toowong Village with Ros to get grocery.
Went subway with Ros. The chicken with marinara sauce bread she ate looked good and yummy!
Watch cantonese variety "Can Ku Yak Ting" hosted by Hacken and Zong-zai. Damn funny.
Watch a silly movie that I copied from JasonKwong. But gave up on it halfway as it was too dumb and filled with dry humour.
Cooked "Bak Kut Teh" for my 3 precious housemates.
Help Ros with her Masterfood teriyaki chicken. (She's trying to get rid of her 2kg worth of chicken)
The "Bak Kut Teh" was simply delicious, just like how it tasted in Singapore! The teriyaki chicken was yummy too! Thanks to Masterfood for the sauce and the chickens for their tender meat..erm breast? Shannie also said the 2 dishes were delicious.
Watched "Secrets of Magic" with Ros and JY. Haha that masked magician is funny plus the voice over commentator's sense of humour.
Back to my room to rot. Really no energy no mood to work on my DM2.
Enjoyed my neighbour's mini concert. He sang well. He sang Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter. It was really enjoyable, and Ros went gaga over the song and I almost teared =S.
JasonK msn me as he's too bored. Just nice. I'm bored too. We crapped and talked about his love life experiences and his 1, 0.5 and 0.3 relationship theories. He declared me as his older sister as I belong to his 0.3 category.
According to him,
1 = successful love relationship,
0.5 = almost successful love relationship with both parties liking each other,
0.3 = platonic or one-sided relationships which normally ends up with both parties being best of friends, good friends or brother-sister relationship.
So it seems like I have one 1, one 0.5 and many 0.3s. Haha. Interesting.
What about you?
Plus he also wants to be my disciple as I taught him HTML last semester. Ah well. Now I have 3 disciples. So fun to be a "si fu" (master in Cantonese).
Yan msn me. Her mum is hospitalised. She had very low blood count. I hope her mum get well and be healthy soon. Yan's been working herself out at home with the chores and taking care of her family daily needs. Hope her sister help her out too and not left everything to her.
She told me she's planning to visit Europe with her sis next year and she's visiting Osaka next month as her sister will be going there got work. Wow! So nice.
Daniel msn me too to bully me. Haha kidding. More like I bully him. Looking forward to Dec when all of them will be joining me in Brissy!
Alrighty ah. time to sleep. Goodnight.
Went to Toowong Village with Ros to get grocery.
Went subway with Ros. The chicken with marinara sauce bread she ate looked good and yummy!
Watch cantonese variety "Can Ku Yak Ting" hosted by Hacken and Zong-zai. Damn funny.
Watch a silly movie that I copied from JasonKwong. But gave up on it halfway as it was too dumb and filled with dry humour.
Cooked "Bak Kut Teh" for my 3 precious housemates.
Help Ros with her Masterfood teriyaki chicken. (She's trying to get rid of her 2kg worth of chicken)
The "Bak Kut Teh" was simply delicious, just like how it tasted in Singapore! The teriyaki chicken was yummy too! Thanks to Masterfood for the sauce and the chickens for their tender meat..erm breast? Shannie also said the 2 dishes were delicious.
Watched "Secrets of Magic" with Ros and JY. Haha that masked magician is funny plus the voice over commentator's sense of humour.
Back to my room to rot. Really no energy no mood to work on my DM2.
Enjoyed my neighbour's mini concert. He sang well. He sang Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter. It was really enjoyable, and Ros went gaga over the song and I almost teared =S.
JasonK msn me as he's too bored. Just nice. I'm bored too. We crapped and talked about his love life experiences and his 1, 0.5 and 0.3 relationship theories. He declared me as his older sister as I belong to his 0.3 category.
According to him,
1 = successful love relationship,
0.5 = almost successful love relationship with both parties liking each other,
0.3 = platonic or one-sided relationships which normally ends up with both parties being best of friends, good friends or brother-sister relationship.
So it seems like I have one 1, one 0.5 and many 0.3s. Haha. Interesting.
What about you?
Plus he also wants to be my disciple as I taught him HTML last semester. Ah well. Now I have 3 disciples. So fun to be a "si fu" (master in Cantonese).
Yan msn me. Her mum is hospitalised. She had very low blood count. I hope her mum get well and be healthy soon. Yan's been working herself out at home with the chores and taking care of her family daily needs. Hope her sister help her out too and not left everything to her.
She told me she's planning to visit Europe with her sis next year and she's visiting Osaka next month as her sister will be going there got work. Wow! So nice.
Daniel msn me too to bully me. Haha kidding. More like I bully him. Looking forward to Dec when all of them will be joining me in Brissy!
Alrighty ah. time to sleep. Goodnight.
yeah man... tis a super super boring day yest...
you almost teared?!?! y didn't u tell me?? den u can cry together at the awesomeness of his singing... bwahahaha.. he was GOOD man...
JJK... wat a shock... 1st, nv thought he would be such a "romeo"... 2nd, love his 0.3-1 theory... but i do find dat inaccurate... and the definition for 0.3 is waaay too loose.. haha.. else all of us would have so many significant 0.3s and that just doesn't sound very right...
go do ur DM2 ah!! else i whack u! ganbette!! MUACKS!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Oct 23, 01:21:00 PM
yah! he sang "Sometimes" by Britney to her in front of so many people! oooo.
Yah the 0.3 relationship is too vague. But for me I still can count the number of 0.3 relationships I had since I left sec school till now.
DM2. killer. KILL ME, STAB ME 1st before DM2 takes my life! I rather die in your hands. ;P
Posted by
candice |
Sun Oct 23, 03:45:00 PM
ok my theory...
if his definition of 0.3 = very very close friend of the opposite sex, may/may not have feelings involved...
my definition of a 0.3 = very very close friend of the opposite sex. have ever considered or pondered over how being significant with the person will be like, but never took the next step. ok.. that's a 0.3 to me.. hehe...
back to jjk's theory... eh... 0.5 ah.. i don't have... make it one 1 and loadsa 0.3s bah...
i won't bear to kill you... i love you too much to kill you... hahaha... well, don't die!! must jiayou!! it's the last one!! you can make it!! fweeeeet! =P
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Oct 24, 01:38:00 PM
Your 0.3 is almost what I thought except that the opposite party may or may not be very very close to me. And that person will be someone whom I'll just be extra nice to and pay special interest or attention to. haha. sounds like stalker-mode eh.
Posted by
candice |
Tue Oct 25, 12:09:00 AM