A busy holiday
We held a BBQ party to celebreate jason's 23rd birthday on tues! we bought lotsa yummy food like mussels, squids & not to forget the must - chicken wings! Although it rained on that day and ruined our bbq activity, it was still quite fun with all of us and our 3 guests (ben, ks & ah li). We ended up cooking the food on the stove and the oven, with KS providing almond agar2!! yummy! let's trade recipes!!
ben and li were here to do the SOA proj and I'm glad we got most architectural stuff done. Working with them is the best thing that ever happen in my studying life. And I agree with ros that ben is the funniest guy ever and he really cracks us up and tickles our laughing bones. The way he imitates xiaotao, together with JY, was so real and it's really hilarious! believe me!
plus, there was a bit of a saga happening on the same day after the BBQ & it was the 2nd time. won't be talking about it here but hope the people involved will learn to separate work from any other distractions.
Spent the whole night & morning in school last night and got home only at ard 7am this morning. Gee..ain't I hardworking? Anyway I'm glad that I actually achieve something while I'm there. Managed to integrate most of the desktop system stuff for csse and got it to work! so relieved!! Also thanks Ros for accompanying me in the lab to burn midnight oil when she knew i prolly be going alone, or else poor jason gotta camp with me after puking almond agar2!!! So nice and glad to have a friend like u! muaks! muahahahhaa!
Alrighy...gotta go sleep & prepare for another day in the lab tomorrow. sweet dreams everyone!!
ben and li were here to do the SOA proj and I'm glad we got most architectural stuff done. Working with them is the best thing that ever happen in my studying life. And I agree with ros that ben is the funniest guy ever and he really cracks us up and tickles our laughing bones. The way he imitates xiaotao, together with JY, was so real and it's really hilarious! believe me!
plus, there was a bit of a saga happening on the same day after the BBQ & it was the 2nd time. won't be talking about it here but hope the people involved will learn to separate work from any other distractions.
Spent the whole night & morning in school last night and got home only at ard 7am this morning. Gee..ain't I hardworking? Anyway I'm glad that I actually achieve something while I'm there. Managed to integrate most of the desktop system stuff for csse and got it to work! so relieved!! Also thanks Ros for accompanying me in the lab to burn midnight oil when she knew i prolly be going alone, or else poor jason gotta camp with me after puking almond agar2!!! So nice and glad to have a friend like u! muaks! muahahahhaa!
Alrighy...gotta go sleep & prepare for another day in the lab tomorrow. sweet dreams everyone!!
OMG.. u muacks me ah.. *shy* hahaha... muacks back!! well, at least i got something done by going there... hehe.. n UQ is scenic.. and i have u as company!!
dun sleep too late ah! tml work work! call me u n li is done.. i will faithfully wait for you guys in campus.. =P (but i seriously hope anand won't wait with me man.. bwahaha)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Sep 30, 01:01:00 AM
i want cookie recipe! XD
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Sep 30, 11:43:00 AM
ahh cookie recipe..must let me meditate and recall the ingredients. gimme some time. *goes to bi4 men2 xiu1 lian4*
Posted by
candice |
Sat Oct 01, 01:38:00 AM