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Thursday, September 16, 2004 

After L.U.N.C.H talk.....

Lunch at city area is definitely expensive...somehow kinda miss the sanduo stall at 64+4 back at Loyang. Wow...it's been almost 2 weeks since I left the pearly white walls. Despite of the...(i would say) inexperienced governors, many unpleasant scenes and wasted resources, I have to thank the heavens for giving me the chance to experience life there. There is the place where I found common friends. Friends whom I look forward to meet. If not for white walls, I would be alone in a foreign land next year. It is also there I witnessed a man who falls prey to a game of vengeance.

The Sages condemn personal anger as a form of avodah zara (idolatry and other deviant worship), as it is said: "Whoever becomes angry falls prey to all sorts of hellish forces ... Even the Divine Presence becomes unimportant to him."

- Nedarim 22a-22b

Played the same game once for a period of time against Mr "Nemo's father" during the earlier days there. And I felt physically and mentally sick, eventually couldn't stand the pressure. I'm glad I got out of that shell. Even so, I am still trying to balance myself in the middle of being positive and being negative.....and I'm maintaining it for good!! Hopefully!! =) Yeah! And I definitely feel good about it!!

Life goes on...la la la la....Till then, bloggie!!! q[^_^]p